Below is everything you need to know when planning a visit to our church. We would LOVE to have you join us!
1610 Wilson Avenue
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Nursery Availability

Our nursery is available for children 6 months through age 5. We have volunteers serve Sunday mornings starting at the sermon through the rest of the service.
Events and Updates Bulletin Board

There is a bulletin board in the front foyer that has church officer information, pictures of past fellowship, a monthly calendar of events, and fliers with reminders and/or event fliers. Be sure to check this out when you come so you know what all you can be a part of.
Will I Be Singled Out?

NO! We do have a time of greeting during Sunday morning worship. Congregants will probably come up to greet you, but nothing will be done to make you feel singled out for coming to worship with us.
Make sure you get a bulletin on Sunday morning!

The bulletin has everything you need for worship- choral responses, hymn numbers, praise song lyrics, sermon text, and announcements.
What to Wear

Within our congregation, you will see anything from blue jeans and a hoodie to a full suit on a Sunday morning. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!

If you have any questions or concerns,
please email us at assist.covenant.tullahoma@gmail.com. You can also call at 931.455.5446. If no one answers, leave a message, and we will get back to you!