We are a particular church of the Presbyterian Church in America, located in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
We are governed by the Word of God and by a board of elders and deacons.
Priorities of this Church
Wholehearted, God-honoring, Biblical worship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with true affection and joy, sincerity of heart, and readiness of mind - all according to the Word of God.
Preaching and teaching to change lives – faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, promoting spiritual growth by showing God’s truth as relevant for all ages, and providing congregational care through our pastor and elders.
Loving each other and our neighbors – training and equipping the saints to use gifts, talents, and passions to serve fellow believers and our world through prayer, encouragement, giving, and serving—both at home and abroad.
Worship Style
The Lord of Glory deserves worship that is reverent and joyful. Historic Reformed worship emphasizes the majesty of the Creator of heaven and earth.
Worshipping in spirit and in truth, we seek to foster a fitting sense of biblical worship in congregational singing using piano-led psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs from across the span of Church history.
Our worship includes other elements from the Reformed tradition such as the Apostolic Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Westminster Confessions of Faith, the Westminster Catechisms, and other historic creeds and confessions.
Our goal of worship, and of life, is to glorify God...and enjoy him forever.
Jane Eubank, piano (principal)
Cathie Robbins, hammered Dulcimer & flute
Acoustic Band:
Sam Sykes
Aaron Kelly
Song Leaders:
Frank Wonder
Caryss Connor, occasional piano