In the mid-1980s, a group of families from Tullahoma formed a Bible study group with the hopes of planting a reformed Presbyterian church. In 1988, the Lord blessed our efforts and we formally incorporated as Covenant Presbyterian Church (CPC) Tullahoma. Our original members gathered to worship and fellowship in a small, rented storefront facility in the center of Tullahoma.
In 1989, CPC connected with Tom Prather to inquire of his interest in preaching for the small congregation of families. Tom, along with his wife Pat, made the weekly Sunday drive from Russellville, Alabama, to Tullahoma, Tennessee. In 1991, Tom Prather was ordained and officially installed as the Teaching Elder (TE) of CPC.
In 1994, the Nashville Presbytery was formed out of the Tennessee Valley Presbytery and CPC became the southernmost church in the newly formed Presbytery. TE Len Hendrix was installed as Pastor of CPC, succeeding Tom Prather, who was soon after elected Pastor Emeritus. Tom and Pat are still worshipping at CPC today.
In January 2021, TE Len Hendrix honorably retired after 26 years of faithful service at CPC. He was unanimously elected to the role of Pastor Emeritus by the congregation. In 2022, TE Will Young was received into the Nashville Presbytery to serve as the new CPC pastor. Will continues to boldly and faithfully preach the Word of God from the pulpit of CPC today.